“I hired Kevin to video my recent performance at the Manyunk Eco Arts Festival (which was a part of the Philly Film & Music Festival). He was there early, all set up and ready to go. Unfortunately the festival ran real late and we both had to wait hours for my performance, but Kevin never got impatient or angry. He was 100% professional and kept a smile on his face. He also got my DVD to me within a couple of days of the event and made it look a lot better than I imagined it would (considering the sun was merciless that day and there was no tent or protection). I don’t what effect he used on the finished product, but it had a very artsy look about it, which fit well with the music and street scene. His camera work was steady and the moves he made were well thought out and the mark of a true pro. Kevin’s prices were very reasonable. I will use his services again and recommend him highly.”
Jeff Saxon, www.JeffSaxonMusic.com – Oct 4, 2010